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Prayer Requests

JCFANS P. • Posted on 8/6/2014 • General

Request from Morning Prayer:

Please Keep Tenika lifted up in Prayer, for complete surrender to Jesus.

Karen D. • Posted on 8/6/2014 • Depression

Depression trying to take over and praying for marriage.

Karen D. • Posted on 8/6/2014 • General

Prayer for healing mentally and physically . Still praying for Stephani and Eugene, April, KJ, Quinn,Steven,Coby and Jason.
Salvation for Kenneth and Jeanette,healing for Greg Moore and Lisa Rainey. Prayer for Thornton.

nataki f. • Posted on 8/5/2014 • Depression

Hi saints i need prayer from the attack of the enemy i have bipolar and some times i am doing well and other times i am fighting with all i got and i have been fighting forgiving people that i no that have been doing things to make my life hell here on earth please keep me in prayer as well as matthew he has a growth that has been there for a long time need prayer on that as well i thank you for all you do
GOD Bless

JCFANS P. • Posted on 8/4/2014 • Crisis

Special Prayer from Bro. Carl Sanders:
Please Pray for my friends Melissa, Mark and their Baby Anastasia Leslie. The baby will need heart surgery or a heart transplant. Thank you.

Anonymous • Posted on 8/4/2014 • Crisis

Pray for newborn Anastasia who may have to undergo a heart transplant and also pray for strength, comfort, & peace, etc for her parents as they journey through this difficult & trying time. Thank you.

Anonymous • Posted on 8/4/2014 • Crisis

Please pray for a quick & miraculous HEALING for one of the staff members of this Ministry. Her head and neck are both swollen and I believe that she said that she was having difficulty breathing. No doubt, she is in much discomfort. Thank you.

Barbara C. • Posted on 8/3/2014 • General

Healing for Greg Gill, Step father of my co-worker. Diagnosed with throat cancer.


Prayer Answered!

Sunday, August 3, 2014: Neighbor Gloria Boussard. Of the Catholic faith. Doesnt believe in the power of being baptized in Jesus name or the Apostolic teachings. Salvation for this 84 year old woman I've adopted. Barb/Stockton

Barbara C. • Posted on 8/3/2014 • General

Health restoration for the clemons family. 3 out of the 4 syblings are fighting/recovering from Cancer. One has a tumor that is being closely watched.


Anonymous • Posted on 8/1/2014 • Depression

Pray for all the kidnapped children and adults. Pray for the battered women & abused children. Pray for the young girls who are subject to the barbaric female circumcision. Pray for those who are comatose, the cancer patients, & those who are suffering in their minds & bodies. Pray for those who are in pain 24/7. Pray for the fatherless, widows, & those in gangs. Pray that the babies wont be aborted but will be embraced and welcomed in love. Pray for all those involved in sex trade, child & kiddie porn, both the victim and victimizer.